Empowering Tanzanian women artisans and crafters to create sustainable, profitable businesses by producing high-quality, ethnically crafted handmade goods “out of Africa” for sale to consumers in the global market.


VAPOA Company Limited (Value-Added Products Out of Africa) was created in Tanzania, an East African sub-Saharan country bordering the Indian Ocean, to present custom premium handcrafted fashion accessory products to the world to showcase the creative talents of the Tanzanian people.

VAPOA assists women to become entrepreneurs of profitable sustainable businesses that contribute to their economic empowerment, the lives of their families, communities and villages.


Geri (Geraldine) Tigner, is the founder of VAPOA and the designer and curator of The TanzaTōtz Collection™ of products, handcrafted by women Batik fabric artisans and crafters. Using her decades of business acumen and creative vision, Geri presented ideas, concepts and opportunities to clusters of small business owners who used their entrepreneurial skills to bring to life quality African-centric products of beauty and functionality to be sold to and enjoyed by consumers in the USA and global market for many years to come.

Step into the world of VAPOA, where we fuse creativity and culture by partnering with clusters of talented Tanzanian women Batik artisans and fabric crafters. Together, we are on a relentless mission to enhance and expand The TanzaTōtz Collection, a vibrant array of unique fashion accessories out of Africa.

In just a few years, our passion has driven us to consistently elevate The TanzaTōtz Collection, crafting premium African-centric products that soar to the highest summit, just like the thrilling ascent of Mount Kilimanjaro, the majestic pinnacle of the African continent. Join us on this exhilarating journey!

Quality and Unique Creativity are in our DNA.

Most importantly, the cluster members are paid fair compensation, provided materials, equipment and working capital. Additionally, they are elevating their entrepreneurial skills to maintain their businesses by implementing the Tanzanian government legal compliance requirements, as well as establishing business bank accounts to operate in Tanzania. They continue to demonstrate the determination to expand their businesses, create employment opportunities, hire and train other Tanzanians in order to improve lives, contribute to the economic prosperity of their communities and to meet the consumer global market demands.

The VAPOA team is dedicated to bringing superior high-quality products to the global market and to you, the consumers, for your use and enjoyment. The cluster artisans and crafters have worked diligently to further enhance our products by developing numerous prototypes to ensure our quality and workmanship are stellar. We invite you to try our products in The TanzaTōtz Collection™ and share with us your feedback.

Your Opinion Matters!

We welcome and respond to all feedback